Our HPC water-base spray on insulation solution replaces antiquated metal cladding insulation system that feature rock-wool, calcium silicate or fiberglass as part of the insulation system for hot processes. The HPC insulation system provides a tremendous CUI free, energy savings deliverable, that is second to none.
Our HPC solution will :
1) Prevents and remedy Corrosion Under Insulation.
2) Reduces energy cost by holding the heat on the surface of the asset and within the asset.
3) Increases production / process efficiency.
4) Allow for early detection of surface compromise.
5) Allow for inspections while the asset is hot and operational, both when doing visual inspections or ultrasound.
6) Allow for applications up to 1,200 F ( HPC-HT)
Our HPC & HPC-HT solution can have a significant and positive impact on shareholder value, in a manner that is both measurable and verifiable.
For many of our clients who have hot processes / assets, the cumulative cost associated with the use of metal cladding with rock-wool, mineral wool, calcium silicate, fiberglass, etc., has resulted in unnecessary cost, mainly associated with, Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI), high energy cost, production inefficiencies, shut downs for scheduled maintenance and asset replacement a, which has impacted profitability and shareholder’s value in a negative manner.
Our HPC AND HPC-HT solutions can solve all the above problems, in a manner that is both measurable and verifiable.
Metal jacketing / cladding systems are very energy inefficient and extremely CUI prone and will always develop corrosion under insulation. Why is this? Because when these materials are used in a real world application with metal cladding, the insulation materials are merely wrapped around the hot pipe or surface, always leaving an airspace / gap between the hot pipe and the insulation. Within this small air space and gaps, a tremendous amount of heat energy in BTUs escape from the hot surface and ultimately it is absorbed into and migrate through the insulation material, where it dissipates within the metal cladding. This gives the allusion that the surface is well insulated within the cladding, when in reality, a tremendous amount of energy / BTUs ultimately escape from the surface and are lost.
Whereas when HPC is used for hot applications, it is spray applied directly to the hot pipe, tank, valve or elbow ( virtually any configuration) Fully adhered, and there are no air space or gaps between the HPC and the hot surface, which significantly enhances energy conservation, as the heat / energy cannot escape off the hot surface easily. HPC is designed with extremely low density ceramic materials that are designed to hold the heat on the hot surface and to BLOCK heat loss, causing the INTERNAL temperature within the pipe or tank and the external surface skin temperature to be closely the same.
Metal cladding systems will always fail in terms of energy inefficiencies and developing CUI because they are not air & moisture tight. These deficiency will cost companies a tremendous amount of revenue with both shut downs and asset replacement cost. HPC on the other hand, resist moisture infiltration and again, HPC is sprayed fully adhered , direct to the hot surface, where it is allowed to dry. After drying, HPC is sealed with two redundant coatings that have no pores and do not breath, with exceptional surface tensile strength, that ensures that the HPC insulation stays air tight & moisture free, which prevents CUI.
Additionally, metal cladding systems require shut downs when visual inspections are due. This is not the case when HPC is used on hot surfaces, as visual inspections are done live plant while the system is hot and operational, by simply using a box cutter to cut through the HPC system down to the metal surface, visually inspect the substrate and then trowel HPC back into the cut out (as HPC is self healing) and apply the top coats. Ultrasound may also be used when doing inspections.
Lastly, unlike metal cladding systems, HPC is applied live plant, which again does not require a shut down, thus additional savings. HPC provides the same safety protection as metal cladding.
The savings alone from avoiding a shut down when applying HPC and when doing visual inspections, more than pay for the cost of HPC application. But when you combine the fact that when HPC is used, there is no CUI development as a result of moisture infiltration. HPC also provides a significantly better energy conservation when compared to metal cladding because with HPC there are no air gaps or moisture infiltration and the fact that it is spray applied directly to the metal surface with a material that lacks density and is designed to hold the heat on the surface and within the pipe or tank. The average material cost payback in terms of energy savings when HPC is used, typically is within 8-12 months.